The Snore Centers: Snoring Treatments in Shelby Township, MI

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The Shelby Township, MI office is the headquarters for our Shelby Township, MI service area and surrounding areas:

    8180 26 Mile Road Suite 300C Shelby Township, MI 48316
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    Services we offer in Shelby Township, MI

    In vibrant Shelby Township, located on the northern outskirts of Detroit, there are about 80,000 residents and hundreds of visitors everyday that enjoy its acres of green spaces, endless outdoor trails, and the convenience of larger cities. The township boasts of its economic development which has attracted booming business, as well as being a great place for families to settle down.

    The Snore Centers: Sleep Specialists in Shelby Township, Michigan

    Don’t get caught snoring while traveling. Snoring while you’re asleep can be a sign of sleep apnea, a sleep-related breathing disorder characterized by abnormal breathing patterns whenever you’ve dozed off. When it comes to treating your sleep issues, where you seek treatment matters. When you choose The Snore Centers in Shelby Township, you can expect patient-centered, collaborative care that makes you feel right at home.

    Why Choose Us

    1) Relaxing Interiors

    Other than the quantity and quality of your sleep, your environment significantly affects your mental and physical well-being; however, that goes beyond finding the right mattress or pillow. When you take visit The Snore Centers, you’ll be surrounded by a calming color scheme of interiors that evoke relaxation.

    2) State-of-the-Art Technology

    We are a state-of-the-art sleep center that takes research out of the lab and into the bedroom. Aside from being actively involved in sleep disorder research, we offer cutting-edge medical procedures that accurately diagnose and treat sleep conditions. Whether you’re looking for sleep apnea treatment, oral health advice, or internal medicine, our sleep specialists have the answer.

    3) Trained Sleep Respiratory Therapists

    Our sleep specialists have years of training in sleep medicine that can provide personalized treatments that not only address your sleep disorder but also fit into your lifestyle. Everyone works closely with other divisions to ensure the best care for our patients.

    Obstructive Sleep Apnea Treatment Options

    If you’re suffering from sleep apnea, your nights consist of snoring, waking up countless times, and headaches. The long-term consequences are even more serious: high blood pressure, stroke, and falling asleep when you shouldn’t. Fortunately, the experienced team at The Snore Centers offers the following services that can also treat other sleep disorders:

    1) General Dentistry

    The most common sleep apnea treatment involves general dentistry. Having a snoring habit can leave your mouth dry and prone to bacteria that causes bad breath, tooth decay, and a lot of other dental problems. A dentist can provide oral appliance therapy to keep your airway open throughout the night and facilitate healthier, more restful sleep.

    2) Oral Surgery

    Oral surgery, or a combination of surgeries, can help solve obstructive sleep apnea, a dangerous and potentially fatal health condition. Some options patients can consider include nasal surgery, uvulopalatopharyngoplasty, pillar procedure, tongue base reduction, and maxillomandibular advancement.

    3) Osteopathic Medicine

    Osteopathic manipulative treatment is another solution for obstructive sleep apnea. It is used to treat the sphenopalatine ganglion which controls functions such as tear formation, nasal congestion, and snoring.

    Looking Back at the History of Shelby Township

    In 1927, the Michigan Territorial Legislature allowed Shelby to become a township and facilitated the formation of a civil government. The area was known to be a small farming community on the outskirts of Detroit throughout the 19th century until automobile manufacturing came to town. Shelby Townships’ economy, then, became more industrial. And fast forward to today, the area is home to a number of historic and cultural resources.

    Epic Attractions in Shelby Township, Michigan

    1) The Historical Society Museum

    The Historical Society Museum not only brings history to life, but it also brings communities from all over the world closer together. The museum has different historical exhibits that show you what life in Europe was like in the early 1800s.

    2) Anatomy of Death Museum

    Take a short drive to Mount Clemens, Michigan and you can take a quick visit to the Anatomy of Death Museum. As the name implies, this place is dedicated to the afterlife – real skulls, bones, embalming kits, and death-related artifacts are put on display. This place is for those interested in anthropology, anatomy, Halloween enthusiasts, the supernatural, witchcraft oddities, and the like.

    3) TreeRunner Adventure Park

    Nestled within the trees, the TreeRunner Adventure Park is suitable for all skill levels. Experience 60+ obstacle courses, zip lines, and aerial trails on your own or with your loved ones. You can also book the place for parties, team building, field trips, and other special events.

    Stop Snoring During Trips with The Snore Centers

    The last thing any of us wants to be is to become a nuisance to our travel buddies whenever we’re asleep. That’s why you want to avoid snoring as much as possible. But more than that, snoring can also be a symptom of underlying health conditions like sleep apnea. Fortunately, The Snore Centers offers effective sleep remedies that deal with snoring anytime and anywhere. Schedule a consultation with us today.